DIY: Leaf Candle Holders


If you are following my blog than you might have noticed that I have a serious obsession for autumn. So here I’m again with an autumn post, this time a little DIY project. I decided to get crafty and make some leaf candle holders. These candle holders are cheap, easy to make and absolutely appropriate for fall. This is how you make them:

You need


  • Some glass jars.
  • A glue gun.
  • Scissors.
  • Fake leaves (I bought some at a Dutch store called ‘Xenos’ for 1.70 euros).



  1. Clean some glass jars (if it has a label on, you can lay the jars in hot water with some dish soap for a while. This makes it easy to remove the labels).
  2. Put some glue around the edges of a fake leaf and stick it on the bottom half of the glass jar. I used glitter glue because if you can use glitter, you always should (the person who invented glitter glue sticks for glue guns is amazing)
  3. Cut the leaf around the edges of the jar .
  4. Repeat until the bottom half is covered.
  5. Put a tealight inside (or pine cones, acorns, candy corn etc.) and you’re done!

You can make these candle holders in about 5 minutes and they are so much fun to make.

Also my sister and I went to the woods today. We saw some deer and I they absolutely love them so I felt very lucky. I managed to take a (very blurry) picture of them and decided to share it with you (I think the left one was a baby, it was so cute I almost couldn’t handle it).


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